I hope all of you had a safe New Year. Typically, I was in bed by about 9:30p.m. I go to bed early throughout the year, so when I do stay up a little late, it really knocks me out the next day. I feel like I have started drinking again after 33 years of abstinence.
No predictions or resolutions, at least public, coming from me. Like they say, I've been there and done that.
I can't think honestly of a resolution that I have kept. Like you, they've all been made in good faith. But that faith wasn't as strong as I would have liked it to be many times.
I think I have joined the school of setting realistic goals, then trying really hard to meet them.
The Ultimate Fishing Show-Detroit fishing contest begins it's last week before show time on Jan. 13.
Be sure and look at tomorrow's paper-Jan. 2-for contest results and the final question. Good luck if you haven't participated and thanks to all of you that took the time to email an answer.
Have a Happy New Year Roger. I stayed up late this year and hit the sack at 10:30, but the gunshots woke me at midnight. Hope they at least shot into the ground.