Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Kids and Fishing

Kids grow up so darn fast. Those of us with children and grandchildren know this only too well. This Sunday's column is about our grandson Josh. He's 17 and a senior at Waterford Kettering.
It seems like a week ago we were seeing him for the first time, lying in a baby bed with his diapers on, as medical staff gave him a check up.
Fast forward to a few years ago and our youngest grandson, Ewan was born. He's now 5. Next came his sister Lily. She's 3.
Joshua lives near us but the other two live an ocean away. The kids, along with my daughter and son-in-law make their home in England. It makes for infrequent visits.
The many activities Josh is involved in through school keep us busy. He plays many sports, works part time and has just gotten his learner permit.
This is the year he's supposed to check out colleges to get an idea of where he may go in a year or so to further his education.Time flies. It's great to see these little ones grow up and begin learning so much of the world and life.
But for us anyway, we still wish they were all babies, making the sounds little ones do. High school was still a long way off. So were sports, travel baseball and other events in their lives.
Keep them close while you can. Time really does move way too fast.

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