Thursday, February 2, 2017

Why kayak tournament fish for bass

Why not, indeed. First, you have the opportunity to meet people with similar interests and it's not necessarily competition.
However, it is about fishing water for bass, pike, panfish or anything else you care to hook into. 
-It's about adhering strictly to safety when on the water. That means wearing your PFD, carrying a first aid kit, mirror or while for signaling, and some sort of direction finder to get you back to the launch.
-It's about what others take on the water for fishing. Some roll up with an entire Bass Pro loaded into their boats. There are rods for this and that, line for this kind of weather, doubles on baits in case one gets lots and so forth.
-You learn how to secure everything in the event you roll over or "turtle." As you plan to lay your equipment out remember everything needs to be somehow secured to the boat or made to float.
-You'll see some boats outfitted with enough electronics to land a 757 at Metro Airport in zero visibility. Others sport no electronics, rather depending on lake area maps and satellite views.
-What baits to use when and where? Some go without saying: dark barks on overcast days and lighter colors on sunny days. It actually comes down to what your are comfortable with.
-Which rod do you use? The one you are the most comfortable. I throw bait casters and spinning but prefer spinning gear on a yak. It probably has something to do with sitting so close to the water.
-Clothing is always an issue. In the summer, wear something on your feet. Crocks, tennis shoes or other water shoes protect your feet in the event you need to get out of your boat for whatever reason. Around the ramp, foot coverings are essential due to rocks, discarded cans broken bottles and the like. In the boat, I sometimes slip my crocks off for a bit. But I keep that cockpit picked up with no loose plugs or hooks lying about.
-Finally, you're sure to have more questions than answers if you are a beginner. Check out Michigan Kayak Trail or Michigan Kayak Fishing on Facebook. Google kayak fishing or for specific questions about equipment head for You Tube.
With launch day about six weeks off now is a good time to do your homework, ask questions and be prepared for that first trip.
Spring on Otsego Lake. Note the Frogg Togg pants, crocks, long sleeve shirt and PFD. By Beukema

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